Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snow Cancellation policy!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As many of you may know, last year the L.A.B.B.B. Vocational Program made
a change in policy pertaining to delayed start times for Lexington, Bedford,
and Belmont High Schools, as well as Chenery Middle School. This alteration
was to maximize the safety of our students during morning transition, and to
diminish any confusion that may exist pertaining to adjusted start times. All of
the aforementioned schools will continue to calculate their delayed start times
from LABBB’s daily start time of 8:30 a.m. Example: a two hour delay will result
in a 10:30 start for LABBB Collaborative. This will provide the safest opportunity
during inclement weather conditions, for each of our students to transition into
their respective schools environments.
James Kelly
Director; LABBB Collaborative
As a reminder— if your town cancels school, it is due to your roads not being safe for travel and students will not be picked up by their van company. Please watch the news for Lexington Public Schools (along with your own town) to determine if we will have school.

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