Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome Back!

Hello and welcome back to the Bernardo classroom blog. The classroom currently consists of 10 students and 5 staff. We are excited to have Ms. Joyce, Ms. D, Mr. A. and Ms. C back again this school year. It is going to be an exciting year for our classroom because we have four of our students graduating. Throughout the year, we will be posting some info as well as pictures/ videos of our classroom. Please enjoy the videos below of our new promethean smartboard. We are all very excited to have this cutting edge technology in our classroom! Thanks, Mr. Bernardo

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Butterfly Unit!

Recently in science class, the students worked on a butterfly unit. The students learned the 4 stages of a Painted lady butterfly, including egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Special Olympics!

On May 1, 2013 LABBB celebrated our annual Special Olympics. It was a beautiful spring day. We are so proud of all the athletes. Please enjoy some photos and a video of our own Ryan Osborn reciting the athletes oath and Daniel running to victory in the 100M dash.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Music Class!

Each week students in our classroom participate in a 45 minute music class, singing, playing small hand percussion, and occasionally accompying MR A on the piano. Enjoy!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Speech and OT group!

During our weekly speech and ot group, we have been working on a grooming unit. Above is a video of our students using an IPAD application to reinforce some skills that we have been reviewing. Enjoy!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Feelings Book

In speech group we have just finished a unit on feelings.  We made a book using the iPad application "Story Kit," a free app.  Click on the link below to check out our book!
Click here to read the story.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy LABBB Bloggers Day!"

Hello and welcome  to our classroom Blog. We are a life skills classroom at Lexington High School's LABBB Program. The LABBB Program at Lexington High School serves high school age students with multihandicaps, as well as students with mild to intensive special needs. The goal is to provide academic
instruction, pre-vocational opportunities and vocational services. All students are assigned to
substantially separate classrooms with similar peers. They are also given opportunities for
mainstreaming into regular education classrooms. An integrated model provides speech/language,
occupational and physical therapies, counseling, and wellness/self advocacy groups. After-school
recreational opportunities are available. This classroom currently has 12 students from places such as Bedford, Belmont, Everett, Wellesley, and many other towns/districts. The students range in age and all participate in LABBB's vocational program. Please visit our blog for updates about our classroom as well as videos and pictures of our students working hard and most of all having fun here at LABBB.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snow Cancellation policy!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As many of you may know, last year the L.A.B.B.B. Vocational Program made
a change in policy pertaining to delayed start times for Lexington, Bedford,
and Belmont High Schools, as well as Chenery Middle School. This alteration
was to maximize the safety of our students during morning transition, and to
diminish any confusion that may exist pertaining to adjusted start times. All of
the aforementioned schools will continue to calculate their delayed start times
from LABBB’s daily start time of 8:30 a.m. Example: a two hour delay will result
in a 10:30 start for LABBB Collaborative. This will provide the safest opportunity
during inclement weather conditions, for each of our students to transition into
their respective schools environments.
James Kelly
Director; LABBB Collaborative
As a reminder— if your town cancels school, it is due to your roads not being safe for travel and students will not be picked up by their van company. Please watch the news for Lexington Public Schools (along with your own town) to determine if we will have school.


Hello Parents, We are all excited to be back at school and hope everyone had a nice and relaxing holiday break. With the weather getting colder, please make sure to send your child in with hats, gloves, and warm jackets.

Winter Time!

During the winter months, please label all gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, and jackets that you send in with your child. Thanks, Bernardo classroom