Monday, October 24, 2011

Craft Fair!

On Saturday, December 3rd, LABBB Best Buddies will be holding their second Annual Holiday Craft Fair at Lexington High School from 9:00am-3:00pm. It will be held inside the Lexington High Cafeteria Commons II.  Space still available for vendors.  If you are interested please call Janet Paz at 978-815-7874 or e-mail:

Apps for Autism!

This link will bring you to a segment featured on 60 minutes about the use of an IPAD while working with students/people with Autism.;cbsCarousel

Monday, October 17, 2011

LABBB Open House!

LABBB Open House
Date: Tuesday, Oct. 18th, 2011
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
For: LABBB parents, presented by LABBB Staff
Place: Commoms II Cafeteria, Lexington High School

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Technology Group!

Classroom Pictures!

Emily in music class.
James working hard with Ms. Joyce!

Steven working hard with Mr. R!

Kevin working hard with Mr. Bernardo!

  Ms C. and Kevin working hard!

Jon working hard!
Ryan working hard!

Eric looking great and working hard! We think?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Functional Academics!

This school year, the students in our classroom will continue to work on increasing their overall functional academic skills. During our school day, the students will be exposed to reading, math, science, and history classes. In reading, we have been working on the News to You Series, the PCI sight word program, and the Edmark functional word program. In math, we have begun a money unit with the emphasis on recognizing various coins and bills, and rounding up to the next highest dollar when making purchases in the classroom, lunch room, and the community. In science, we have begun a unit on exercise and will be discussing the importance of exercise, labeling parts of the human body, and exposing students to vocabulary words/pictures related to exercise. In history, we have started a unit on community helpers and will be discussing various people who work in and around our school and the local community.
*check out this article on functional academics*