Tuesday, December 20, 2011


 Every year in our classroom, we have the students make a small gift to send home to their families. Below is some pictures of this activity. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Swimming Cancelled!

Due to the power outages in Lexington, swimming class is cancelled for tomorrow, Wednesday, November 2, 2011.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Craft Fair!

On Saturday, December 3rd, LABBB Best Buddies will be holding their second Annual Holiday Craft Fair at Lexington High School from 9:00am-3:00pm. It will be held inside the Lexington High Cafeteria Commons II.  Space still available for vendors.  If you are interested please call Janet Paz at 978-815-7874 or e-mail:  jpaz@labbb.net

Apps for Autism!

This link will bring you to a segment featured on 60 minutes about the use of an IPAD while working with students/people with Autism.


Monday, October 17, 2011

LABBB Open House!

LABBB Open House
Date: Tuesday, Oct. 18th, 2011
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
For: LABBB parents, presented by LABBB Staff
Place: Commoms II Cafeteria, Lexington High School

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Technology Group!

Classroom Pictures!

Emily in music class.
James working hard with Ms. Joyce!

Steven working hard with Mr. R!

Kevin working hard with Mr. Bernardo!

  Ms C. and Kevin working hard!

Jon working hard!
Ryan working hard!

Eric looking great and working hard! We think?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Functional Academics!

This school year, the students in our classroom will continue to work on increasing their overall functional academic skills. During our school day, the students will be exposed to reading, math, science, and history classes. In reading, we have been working on the News to You Series, the PCI sight word program, and the Edmark functional word program. In math, we have begun a money unit with the emphasis on recognizing various coins and bills, and rounding up to the next highest dollar when making purchases in the classroom, lunch room, and the community. In science, we have begun a unit on exercise and will be discussing the importance of exercise, labeling parts of the human body, and exposing students to vocabulary words/pictures related to exercise. In history, we have started a unit on community helpers and will be discussing various people who work in and around our school and the local community.
*check out this article on functional academics* http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Are-Functional-Skills-And-Why-Does-My-Child-With-A-Disability-Need-Them?&id=1049755

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Best Buddies!

Eat pizza for a great cause on:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
5-9 pm
At Flatbread Pizza Company 213 Burlington Road, Bedford
Eat in!            or          Take out!

Important Info!

This week LABBB introduced a new and improved website. You can access it at labbb.com or directly from the link on our classroom blog. Please remember that swimming class is scheduled on Wednesdays from 1:30-3:00. If your child is scheduled to swim that day, he/she will need a bathing suit and a towel. Another important piece of information regarding the LABBB parent open house is that the date has changed from Wednesday, October 19th to Tuesday, October 18th. We are looking forward to seeing you all that night.
*No school this Thursday*

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First Week!

During our first full week of school, the students began accessing their daily schedules consisting of functional academic classes and vocational placements. This school year, we are very excited to announce two new classes/groups added to our classroom schedule. One is called Technology group and the other is Yoga stretch. These classes are both held on Thursday afternoons and are led by Ms C, our classroom Occupational Therapist, as well as Ms M, our classroom Speech Therapist. During yoga stretch, the students will be exposed to and will be performing various beginner yoga poses as well as practicing simple breathing techniques. During technology group, the students will be working on the classroom computer as well as an IPAD using some new and exciting applications that are both fun and educational. We look forward to posting some videos and pictures of our students in action soon.
*Please remember that student photo day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20, 2011*

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone and welcome to our new classroom blog. We are very excited to start a new school year and will be trying our best to update our blog on a regular basis. We are happy to announce that we have two new students in our classroom this year bringing the total up to twelve. Eric and Jon have both moved up from the LABBB Chenery middle school program to the LABBB Lexington high school program.  We are very excited to have them join our classroom! We are also happy to have both Ms. Joyce and Mr. R working with us again this school year. The first couple days last week were spent getting reacquainted with both staff and peers. Student schedules will be sent home early next week. We look forward to a great school year!